Sunday, 16 August 2015

Poland Creates New Law To Combat 'Chaotic Use Of Outdoor Advertising'

Polish Lawmakers have passed the Landscape Law to regulate the outrageous usage of outdoor advertising. The new law stipulates new criteria for banners and billboards put up in areas that may interfere with public activity. About 40 times the standard advertising fee to be set by local councils as fines against violators.

Hoarding outdoor advertising and penalising those who commission illegal distribution of learaflets would be subject to the new law.

Former president Bronislaw Komorowski in May signed the law, saying:

"We should take care of aesthetic values and spatial order. I’m very glad that a law that many Poles have been waiting for now comes into effect. According to all surveys most 
Poles are concerned and sensitive about whether they live in a nice or ugly environment."

Billboard and banner advertising provides large revenues for local governments. Most cause problems with campaign bills posted on unauthorised areas. Some trees in Poland had stuck with these advertising bills. Unauthorised postage has also been prevalent in the last few years.