Monday, 6 May 2013

Defending Yourself From False Property and Asset Claims

The United Kingdom is well-known for its litigation culture and sometimes, claims made by certain legal professionals and individuals may only be to get a chunk of your actually legal assets that you’ve worked so hard to gain. Defending yourself from false property claims means knowing the following.

1.     Potential Suing
Your assets are obvious if you are a proprietor of a wealthy company. Your assets are easily reachable by anybody. To defend yourself from potential suing of other companies or certain individuals such as past employees, having a legal professional to ensure your insurance and to limit your liability is important.

2.     Services Rendered
Most legal professionals in this field provide services for the following.

a.     Insurance
An indemnity insurance offered by professionals can cover you from making negligent movements or faulty goods and services. However, this is a poor level of protection because it is unlikely the policy would cover a full range of potential claims. More comprehensive methods are needed.

b.    Liability
Legal professionals mostly advise their clients to separate their assets from the company’s assets. The incorporation of personal assets and company’s assets could be used against the proprietor only if the company is a façade for a fraudulent company. A limited liability partnership between a company ensures not all your assets could be touched.

c.     Wealth Segregation
Legal professionals may also advise you to separate the association between your assets. Having another person own the asset is an important part of protecting your assets. Transferring ownership of your personal wealth to your company is also a good way to segregate your wealth.

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